Aziza El Gabbas, MD


Video visit fees:  20 USD
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  • Care philosophy
    Dr Aziza El Gabbas is a consultant in gynecology, obstetrics, and fertility who is committed to advancing women's health through Quareb. Her holistic care approach, from fertility counseling and addressing sexual dysfunctions to menopause support, IVF and ICSI procedures ensures that the full spectrum of women’s fertility and sexual issues are addressed. Dr Aziza is dedicated to integrating sexual wellness into reproductive health services to ensure comprehensive care for Quareb’s clients. Start your journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling sexual life by booking a session with Dr Aziza El Gabbas.

    دكتورة عزيزة الجباس هي استشارية أمراض النساء والتوليد والخصوبة، ومهتمة بتعزيز صحة المرأة من خلال تقديم خدمات صحة نفسية وجنسية شاملة من استشارات الخصوبة ومعالجة الصعوبات الجنسية و الجفاف المهبلي إلى دعم انقطاع الطمث و إجراء عمليات اطفال انابيب و حقن مجهري لضمان معالجة جميع جوانب صحة المرأة النفسية والجنسية
  • Specialty
    Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Sexual Medicine
  • Services
    -Premarital counselling
    -Fertility counselling
    -IVF / ICSI procedures
    -Antenatal care
    -Sexual health disorders
    -Desire , arousal and orgasm disorder
    -Sexual health and aging
    -ICSI / IVF
  • Professional Membership
    - COSRT
    - FECSM
  • Languages
    Arabic, English, German

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