• Started Practice
    Since 2011
  • Education
    - BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN HUMAN NUTRITION AND DIETETTICS, Holly Spirit University of kaslik, Lebanon 2007- 2011
  • Specialty
    Dietitian, Dietitian, Multiple Specialty, Sports Nutrition Specialist, Weight Loss Plateau & Weight Regain Specialist
  • Board certification
    - Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, online. Certificate “pediatric and neonatal nutrition”, 2020
    - America Society of Nutrition, online. Certificate “NUTRITION 2020 LIVE ONLINE”, DATE: 2020
    - The Association of UK Dietitians & Irish Nutrition + Dietetic Institute, online. Certificate “fiber”, 2020
    - Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, online. Certificate “thyroid nutrition triangle” 2020
    - College of the North Atlantic, Qatar. Certificate “Emotional intelligence in workplace”, 2019
    - Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Chicago. Certificate “nutrition pregnancy and babies”, 2018
    - Holly Spirit University of kaslik, Lebanon. Certificate “health and food security”, 2013
  • Achievement & Recognition
    - Clinical dietitian • amazon diet medical center - Qatar 2017
    - Clinical and consultant dietitian • VLCC Health care - Qatar 2014
    - Community dietitian and public health • hospital Mgr Cortbawi – Lebanon 2012
    - Nutritionist and food services • Mikana – Lebanon 2012
    - Clinical dietitian and nutritionist • Hopital notre dame de secours – Lebanon 2011-2012
    - Nursing • Hopital notre dame – Lebanon 2007-2008
  • Consultation Fees
    USD 70
  • Languages
    Arabic, English, Spanish, French
  • Additional Info
    - Newspaper: Al-Arab newspaper Qatar (Al Rayan)
    Subject: “Relation between supplements and immunity “- 13 of May 2021
    - Newspaper: Al-Arab newspaper Qatar (Al Rayan)
    Subject: “Ramadan nutrition and health tips “- 31 of May 2018
    - Newspaper: Al – Arab newspaper Qatar (Al Rayan)
    Subject: “Nutrition is the best way for healthy skin and beauty” – 12 of April 2018
    - Newspaper: Al – Arab newspaper Qatar (Al Rayan)
    Subject: “Controlling your cholesterol during your Ramadan diet” – 4 of June 2017
    - Website: Al Jazeera Mubasher News
    Subject: “how to lose weight without diet!!!! “- 4 of June 2017
    - Website: Al Jazeera Mubasher News
    Subject: “Nutrition programs from 0 age till 12 years old” - 14 of august 2017

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