Layal Boutros

Baabdat, Lebanon

Video visit fees:  25 USD
Now offering video visits
  • Education
    - Master's degree in psychomotor therapy, Lebanese University – Faculty of Health II – Fanar, July 2016
    - Bachelor's degree in Radiology Technician, Sainte Famille University – Geitawi June 2012
  • Board certification
    - Oct-opus formations, May 2021
    - Energia soi, April 2021
    - Oct-opus formations, March 2021
    - Oct-opus formations, January 2021
    - Le cercle d’intervention et d’experimentation therapeutique (ciet), April 2019
    - The syndicate of psychomotor therapists of lebanon, in collaboration with the institute of psychomotor therapists - usj, January 2019
    - Le cercle d’intervention et d’experimentation therapeutique (ciet) january 2019
    - Agence pour l’enseignement français a l’etranger (aefe), November 2016
    - L’universite libanaise, faculte de sante publique, departement de psychomotricite en collaboration avec le leadership and management academy, April 2014
  • Services
    - Providing treatment for children in need of psychomotor therapy
    - Assessing the level of psychomotor impairments/delay, difficulty and set accordingly an individualized Treatment Plan
    - Conducting psychomotor therapy interventions to children with special needs
    - Collaborating with parents through meetings to evaluate their child’s progress, and personal areas for development, and providing them with parental guidance and activities to complement the therapy sessions.
    - Evaluating the child's current level and devising an approach to reach the desired goals.
    - Reporting on the child’s evolution and progress to the school and developing complementary strategies with them.
    - Dealing with the developmental of the young child to enable him to develop his global motricity, fine motor skills, and cognitive and emotional development
    - Monitor and effectively communicate with parents about students’ progress and help families understand their child's learning difficulties
  • Professional Membership
    - Member of the union of Psychomotor Therapists
  • Languages
    Arabic, English, French

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