Dr. Nidal Seifedin, MD

Nidal Medical Center, Barja, Chouf

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: 9390.62 Miles

  • Started Practice
  • Education
    طبيب اخصائي انف إذن حنجرة منذ ١٩٩٩ -
    طبيب شرعي منذ ٢٠٠٠ -
    doctor of ent since 1999 diploma from ukraine vinnitca i kiev
    استاذ جامعي منذ ٢٠٠١ -
    teacher of univercity since 2001
    طبيب على الأراضي اللبنانية منذ ١٩٩٩ -a forencic doctor since 2000 on lebanese territory
  • Board certification
    diploma of juris ent .participate in many on lebanese conferences incide and outside lebanon .teacher is found since 2000 .forencic doctor since 2000 territory
  • Hospital Affiliation
    i work in the provincial hospitals and saida dalaa hospital and ousman hospital ex...
  • Services
    medical previews from 12 to 6prior to a preappointment
  • Research & Clinical Interest
    diploma of juris ent .participate in many on lebanese conferences incide and outside lebanon .teacher is found since 2000 .forencic doctor since 2000 territory
  • Professional Membership
    member ofthe lebanese doctors syndicate,lebanese and arab legal doctors and vocational aducation ex....
  • Achievement & Recognition
    طبيب اخصائي انف إذن حنجرة منذ ١٩٩٩ -
    طبيب شرعي منذ ٢٠٠٠ -
    doctor of ent since 1999 diploma from ukraine vinnitca i kiev
    استاذ جامعي منذ ٢٠٠١ -
    teacher of univercity since 2001
    طبيب على الأراضي اللبنانية منذ ١٩٩٩ -a forencic doctor since 2000 on lebanese territory
  • Languages
    Arabic, English,french,russian
  • Additional Info
    If needed outside the schedule times:
    - Mobile Number:81 640977,03758810

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