- Management of Eye Disorders
There are many disorders that can affect the eye.
People often notice changes in their vision as they get older, but loss of vision should not be one of them.
Seventy-five percent of cases of blindness can be prevented or treated!
People who have lost some vision can still make the most of their remaining sight with proper follow-up and management.
- Eye Checkup
Eye problems are often asymptomatic – meaning silent- and this can be dangerous to those who wait until they feel a change.
This is why annual comprehensive eye exams are necessary.Early diagnosis and management of eye diseases can prevent visual compromise and visual loss. Screening is a must even if you have good vision, or have had laser vision surgery.
- Functional Eyelid Problems
From Ptosis to Eyelid Lesions, Ectropion and Entropion, we treat all functional eyelid problems with state of the art equipment and techniques.
- Blepharoplasty Surgery
Loose skin and pockets of fat above or below the eyelids can be removed with blepharoplasty surgery.
The incisions made to access these areas heal exceptionally well; in fact, they become virtually imperceptible.
- Thread Lifting
Thread lifting is a procedure that tackles sags and folds. It is a solution for both women and men that want to avoid the commitment and healing time required for a full face lift.
Invisible fine threads placed in the skin can get to places on faces other procedures cannot reach and give natural, life changing results.
- Mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, plant extracts and more to rejuvenate and tighten skin, as well as remove excess fat.
Mesotherapy is used to remove fat, fade wrinkles and lines, tighten loose skin, lighten pigmented skin and more.
- Fillers
Dermal fillers are mostly used for volume, from plumping thin lips to softening facial creases. Our faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat as we age; fillers can be very helpful with early signs of aging, or as an enhancing procedure.
- Botox
Dynamic wrinkles result from the dynamic nature of your face. A great anti-aging strategy for this problem is regular Botox injections.
Botox is a safe, widely tested and applied, effective, and reversible treatment. Botox is being used more and more frequently as a preventative measure as well.