Dr. Georges Khalil, PHD

Hopital St. Georges, Ajaltoun, Ajaltoun

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: 9669.17 Miles

  • Education
    - PhD in Genomes and Proteins, option: Microbes (Paris 7), France (2009)
    - Degree of Doctor of Medicine and Diploma in Internal Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, Saint – Joseph University (USJ), Lebanon (1996)
    - Infectious Diseases Diploma, Tropical and Parasitic Diseases. Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, France (1998-2001)
  • Hospital Affiliation
    - Saint Joseph Hospital, Beirut in the Infectious Disease /Internal Medicine department.
    Infection Control Head 2004-18
    - “Assistant specialist” Department of Internal Medicine in Rouen France University Hospital Charles Nicolle (2007-2008)
  • Research & Clinical Interest
    - Author of many papers in international journals (Blood, Eur Cytokine Netw…)
    - Author of a medical book “Abrégé de Maladies Systémiques”.
    - Peer-Reviewer in many international scientific journals
  • Professional Membership
    - Lebanese Order of Physicians
    - Executive board and Head of the department of medical specialties of Saint Joseph Hospital
    - Ex-President & Co-Founder of LAMDA: Lebanese Society for Medical Diagnosis and Auto-Immune Diseases OML (Lebanese Order of Physician)
  • Achievement & Recognition
    - Many national and European Universities Diplomas
    - Winner of the national ranking (NPA) in France for the practice of internal medicine-2006.
  • Languages
    Arabic, English, French
  • Additional Info
    Academic Affiliations
    - Associated Professor in Medical Microbiology Department Faculties of Medicine and Sciences Saint Joseph University – Beirut Lebanon- Position: Faculty of Medicine: Director of Parasitology and Mycology
    - LAU (Lebanese American University): Medical Microbiology for MED4 students (2009-2010)

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