- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte Justine, Université de Montréal, Pediatric ophthalmology fellow 2019-2020
- Lebanese American University Medical Center-Rizk, Hospital, Ophthalmology resident 2015-2019
- Lebanese American University – Lebanon, Gilbert and Rosemary School of Medicine, MD 2011-2015
- American University of Beirut – Lebanon, Bachelor of Science degree 2008 – 2011
Board certification
- Case presentation at 44e journée annuelle d’ophtalmologie pédiatrique, Montreal 2019
- Certificate in ACLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR and AED) Program 2018
- Attended the 1st BESH 2016 Glaucoma Residents’ Course 2016
- Certificate in ACLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR and AED) Program 2016
- Retinopathy of prematurity
- Retinoblastoma
- Pediatric strabismus
- Congenital cataracts
- Congenital glaucoma along with adult strabismus
Research & Clinical Interest
- First author on prospective research on “photoscreener, can it replace orthoptist evaluation”- Université de Montréal 2020
- Co-author of poster on “Toric IOL in patient with Superior Oblique Palsy” – Lebanese, Ophthalmologist society 2018
- Co-author of poster on “Deep Brain stimulation and convergence insufficiency” – Lebanese, Ophthalmologist Society 2018
Professional Membership
- Member of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS)
Achievement & Recognition
- Receiver of scholarship “Bourse de jumelage de fonds” CHU Sainte Justine, Montreal CA 2019
- Receiver of scholarship “Fond Bersner-Valois" Universite de Montreal, Montreal CA 2019
- Winner of the diagnostic medicine day 2012
Arabic, English