Dr. Charbel Chater, MD

Next to SGBL Sarba Bldg, 1st flr, Sarba

Video visit fees:  50 USD
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  • Education
    - Medical Degree from Universite Montpellier-Nimes, France
    - D.E.S Chirurgie Generale, Universite Lille, France
    - D.E.S.C Chirurgie Digestive et Viscerale, Universite Lille, France
  • Hospital Affiliation
    - Chef de Clinique des Hopitaux de Lille - Digestive Surgery and Transplantation. Hospital Huriez, CHU Lille (France)
    - Chef de Clinique des Universites - Assistant des Hôpitaux, Digestive Surgery and Transplantation, CAO B, Prof Pruvot, Hôpital Claude Huriez, CHU Lille, France.
    - Assistant Hospitalier Universitaire, Digestive Surgery and Transplantation, CAO B, Prof Pruvot, Hôpital Claude Huriez, CHU Lille, France.
  • Services
    - Digestive Surgery
  • Research & Clinical Interest
    Doctoral Thesis:
    - ITP - Second line treatment: rituximab vs splenectomy (2015)

    - Chater C, Bauters A, Beugnet C, M’Ba L, Rogosnitzky M, Zerbib P. Intraplatelet VEGF and PDGF: New biomarkers in carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) negative colorectal cancer? Gastrointest Tumors, Accepted 2018.
    - Chater C, Saudemont A, Zerbib P. Chronic radiation enteritis. J Visc Surg, Sept 2018.
    - Chater C, Zerbib P. Response to Splenectomy for immune thrombocytopenia: down but not out. [e-letter] Splenectomy for immune thrombocytopenia: last but not least. Blood (e-letter’s Web address). March 15, 2018. Accessed May 2, 2018.
    - Koriche D, Gower C, Chater C, Duhamel A, Salleron J, Tavernier N, Colombel JF, Pariente B, Cortot A, Zerbib P. Post-operative recurrence of Crohn’s disease after definitive stoma: an under-estimated risk. Int J Colorectal Dis, Apr 2017.
    - Chater C, Terriou L, Duhamel A, Launay D, Chambon JP, Pruvot FR, Rogosnitzky M, Zerbib P. Reemergence of Splenectomy for ITP Second-line Treatment? Ann Surg, Nov 2016.
    - Chater C, Saudemont A, Zerbib P. A giant colon diverticulum. J Visc Surg, Nov 2015.
    - Truant S, Chater C, Pruvot FR. Greatly Enlarged Thickened Gallbladder. JAMA Surg, Mar 2015.
    - Lebas A, Rogosnitzky M, Chater C, Colombel JF, Nachury M, Cortot A, Zerbib P. Efficacy of sacral nerve stimulation for poor functional results of J-Pouch coloanal or ileoanal anastomosis: a pilot study. Tech Coloproctol, Apr 2014.

    - Efficacy of sacral nerve stimulation for poor functional results of J-Pouch coloanal or ileoanal anastomosis. Lebas A, Chater C, Rogosnitzky M, Colombel JF, Nachury M, Cortot A, Zerbib P (JFHOD 2014, Paris).
    - Caracterization of the intestinal inflammation of a new animal model : HLA-B27 transgenic rat. Chater C, Koriche D, Billaut I, Dubuquoy L, Ravasi L, Speca S, Dubuquoy C, Pruvot FR, Zerbib P, Desreumaux P (JFHOD 2015, Paris).
    - Impact of Organ-preserving Strategies on Anorectal function in Patients with Distal Rectal Cancer following Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation. Habr-Gama A, Chater C, Lynn PB, Neves Jorge JM, Sao Juliao GP, Proscurshim I, Gama-Rodrigues J, Fernandez LM, Perez RO (SFCD 2015, Paris).
    - ITP-second line treatment : surgery vs rituximab. Chater C, Terriou L, Duhamel A, Launay D, Chambon JP, Pruvot FR, Zerbib P (JFHOD 2016, Paris).
    - ITP-second line treatment: surgery vs rituximab. Chater C, Terriou L, Duhamel A, Launay D, Chambon JP, Pruvot FR, Zerbib P (SFH 2016, Paris).
  • Professional Membership
    - Member of the Lebanese Order of Physicians
    - Member of L'Association Francaise de Chirurgie
    - Member of L'Association des Chefs de Clinique et Assistants en Exercises dans les Hôpitaux de Lille
  • Achievement & Recognition
    - Bourse année recherche 2013/2014 : Development of a new animal model of ileitis post-surgery reproducing inflammatory bowel disease.
    - Best Junior researcher (Parcours 3R) (Académie Nationale de Chirurgie 2014)
    - Best Junior surgeon researcher (Prix Fondation Avenir 2014)
    - Best poster award JFHOD 2015 (Paris): Caracterization of the intestinal inflammation of a new animal model : HLA-B27 transgenic rat.
    - Best poster award JFHOD 2016 (Paris): ITP-second line treatment : surgery vs rituximab
    - College excellence prize, Prix d’excellence du collège de chirurgie générale viscérale et digestive, SFCD 2017 (Paris).
    - Best oral presentation, AFC 2018: HYSTERIA study: Evaluation of clinical hypnosis after surgical resection for Crohn’s disease on postoperative analgesia. Preliminary results.

    Speaker in Conferences:
    - Club du Pancréas : Case report (Lille, June 2011).
    - DESC Viscéral G4 : Imagery in abdominal pain (Rouen, October 2012).
    - DESC Viscéral G4: Stenosis of the colo-rectal anastomosis (Amiens, July 2013).
    - DESC Viscéral G4 : Surgical technique of spleno-pancreatectomy (Rouen, October 2013).
    - Club du Pancréas : Case report (Valenciennes, July 2014).
    - 116e Congrès Français de Chirurgie : AFC, Paris, Octobre 2014. Characterization of the intestinal inflammation of a new animal model: HLA-B27 transgenic rat.
    - SFCD (Société Française de Chirurgie Digestive) : Laparoscopic splenectomy (April 2015, Paris).
    - Club du Pancréas : Case report (Lille, June 2015). - Rencontres médico-chirurgicales : Cancer and thrombosis. (Lille, September 2015).
    - DESC Viscéral G4 : Management of rectal cancer (Amiens, June 2016).
    - 118e Congrès Français de Chirurgie : AFC, Paris, Septembre 2016. ITP-second line treatment : surgery vs rituximab.
    - Club du Pancréas : Case report (Lille, June 2017).
    - Surgical techniques in liver explantation, Ecole Angevine de PMO (Angers, October 2017).
    - DESC Viscéral G4 : Acute intestinal ischemia (Mars 2018).
    - AFC 2018, oral presentation: HYSTERIA study: Evaluation of clinical hypnosis after surgical resection for Crohn’s disease on postoperative analgesia. Preliminary results.
  • Languages
    Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese

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